How does IPL treat Rosacea / Redness and Blood Vessels / Birth Marks ?
Rosacea, broken capillaries and port wine stains, on the neck and face, can be significantly improved with IPL.
Rosacea redness can be reduced by 70-80% with IPL in many people. The light is attracted to the red pigment (haemoglobin) in the blood. The heat energy thus concentrated, seals the blood vessels. Most people will see a significant improvement in 1 – 3 treatments. The treatment results can be permanent, but some people may return for repeat treatments after 1 – 2 years.
How does IPL works for Skin Rejuvenation and Acne ?
IPL induces collagen synthesis and reduces pore size and wrinkles, resulting in firmer a smoother skin. The heat generated from the light treatment, leads to a trauma to the skin, stimulating new cell growth and collagen production.
How does IPL work for Permanent Hair Reduction?
During the IPL treatment the light is absorbed in to the dark pigment of the hair shaft which results in heat being transmitted t the hair follicle, thus destroying it.
Hair grows in 3 stages – Anagen (growth), Catagen (transition), Telogen (resting). IPL only works on hair in the active (Anagen) phase of growth. Therefore, a series of treatments are required to treat hair in any one area while it goes through its growth cycles. Some hair remain dormant under the skin, and different stimulants such as puberty, pregnancy, stress, menopause, and medication will trigger them to grow. Therefore, some people may need repeat treatments every few years.