Dermal Fillers are a modified form of hyaluronic acid which restores Fulness and Volume to the skin. It smoothes the facial wrinkles and folds, enhances facial shape or to create fuller lips. These products have revolutionised cosmetic medicine over the last ten years. Above all, dermal fillers are non-permanent, safe and can be dissolved if the result is not to your liking.

At Skin logics and Hamilton lake clinic we use JUVEDERM® and RESTYLANE®, both FDA approved medications that will give you instant, long-lasting results (up to 12 months).

What is the Constitution Of Juvéderm?

injectable-dermal-fillers-hamiltonJUVÉDERM® is an injectable gel that is made from a complex sugar called hyaluronic acid (HA). Hyaluronic acid is found in the tissues of living cells including human skin. It assists in hydration of the skin by attracting and holding water. It also combines with elastin and collagen to help provide skin elasticity and structure. The HA in RESTYLANE® and JUVÉDERM® is not derived from animals. It is produced especially for replacing lost skin volume, smoothing of wrinkles and for rejuvenation of the lips (Lip enhancement).

How will I look immediately after treatment?

There can be temporary puffiness of the treated areas. Occasionally, there may be temporary blushing, slight tenderness or bruising around the treated areas. These are all normal and common occurrences and should clear up within a few days.


Where can the dermal fillers be used?

Dermal fillers can be used over the face (and are even used in other parts of the body). However, we at Skin logs do not use the dermal fillers in high-risk areas such as nose and glabellar area. They can be used to effectively treat the following concerns (and more):

  •    Nasolabial folds (Dermal Fillers are great for lines or folds from the sides of the nose to the end of the lips)
  •    Perioral area (wrinkles around the lips)
  •    Lip enhancement
  •    Hollows under the eyes
  •    Softening early jowls
  •    Marionette lines (These are the lines from the corners of the mouth to the jawline, increasing the downturn of the mouth).
  •    Liquid facelift
  •    Nose shaping
  •    Jawline shaping
  •    Temporal Hollowing


Do the injections hurt?

Depending on where the wrinkles or lines are to be filled, the pain will vary. Juvederm and Restylane have a local anaesthetic within the gel. So, the numbness occurs once the needle is under the skin and the injection process is started.  We use a fine 31g needle which is the smallest gauge available on the market. The skin can be anaesthetised before the procedure if the client prefers that. We can also use ice to cool the area down which reduces the pain and decreases the chance of bruising.  We can put in a dental block if someone is feeling pain even after the measures mentioned above. For Most people, these injections are relatively painless or at best a bit stingy.

Dermal filler Aftercare

  • NO dental work for up to one month after any dermal filler treatment
  • NO skin treatment for up to two weeks after any dermal filler treatment
  • NO flying internationally within one week of your dermal filler treatment or two weeks for tear troughs

During the first 24-48 hours, you may experience swelling, redness and tenderness in the treated areas. This is normal and will pass quickly. You may feel some lumps for the first few weeks, which soften and integrate into the tissues over time. Please contact us for anything you are not sure about.

The following guidelines are recommended in the first 24-48 hours after your treatment:

  • It is best if you can keep the area free of cosmetics and avoid using active skin products containing AHA (Alpha Hydroxy Acids/Glycolic), BHA (Beta Hydroxy Acids) and Retinoid based products.
  • According to international guidelines, makeup should not be applied until the following day after filler. If you need some cover, our team can apply a 100% mineral makeup, we use the Jane Eredale range and always use clean brushes. It helps with healing as well as providing a lovely coverage. This is a great makeup to use every day!
  • Apply cool compresses to the treated areas to relieve swelling and any possible bruising. Alternatively, a non-drowsy antihistamine such as Loratadine can be purchased over the counter and is a great alternative
  • Avoid strenuous exercise, and extremes of hot (e.g. spa/sauna) and cold (e.g. ice direct to skin) for the rest of the day
  • Drink water regularly during the day (approx 6-8 glasses daily)
  • You may take Panadol/Panadeine or similar medication if the treated areas are tender. If possible, please avoid anti-inflammatory medicines in the first 2-3 days.
  • You may feel some lumps in the treated areas in the first 4-6 weeks until the product settles. This is normal, and the treated areas may feel ‘denser’ than untreated skin on an ongoing basis. If there are any visible lumps, these can often be improved by your clinician at your follow up appointment. Please do not massage these yourself.
  • Please attend your follow up appointment 2-6 weeks after your treatment. You will be able to see your ‘before and after’ photos, and we get to see your results!
  • Do not have any skin peels or in-clinic facial treatments, facial waxing, IPL or laser treatments for 10-14 days after your dermal filler treatment. Laser resurfacing is best done after the filler has disappeared from your skin.
  • Plan for a check-in and possible ‘top-up’ in 6-12 months. Research shows that repeat treatment after 6-12 months can help the results last significantly longer.

Please contact us if you have any concerns such as those below as it could indicate a vascular occlusion/ infection/allergy:

  • Pain that would keep you awake at night.
  • Red, hot, itchy, tender, swollen area.
  • Blanching or white areas on the skin, skin discolouration in a web-like pattern, pustules or pimples e.g.

Are Dermal Fillers suitable for everyone?

No, hyaluronic acid injections should not be injected into areas where the skin is already inflamed or infected.  Cold sores at the site of injection may reoccur. We usually give you a prescription for anti-viral tablets to prevent this. Dermal filler injections are not suitable for breastfeeding or pregnant women.

How long does the correction last?

Most people need repeat injections after 9-12 months. Over a period, the interval between touch-ups increases and the total amount of filler required to maintain the effect reduces.

What is the cost involved in a Dermal Filler treatment?

The cost varies, and it depends on the amount of product required to attain the desired result. Keep an eye on our monthly specials as we usually offer a discount on dermal fillers.

Are Dermal Fillers safe?

When done by trained professionals, fillers are not only safe, but effective.

Blindness is very rare side effect of Dermal fillers but is worth a mention because of its seriousness. It can occur if the dermal filler is accidentally injected or migrates into a blood vessel supplying the eyes. Since the face is a very vascular structure and is full of arteries, it can happen with injection at any site. Because of this reason, we at Skin Logics do not inject high-risk areas of the face. Careful Injection minimises the risk of serious complications.

On similar lines, the fillers can cause arterial occlusion to some part of the facial skin which can lead to skin damage because of blockage of blood supply. We observe the patients in our clinic for 20-30min after injection to make sure that is not the case. Prompt treatment with Hylase ( An enzyme that breaks down the filler) is effective. We do hold Hylase in stock at our clinic.

The Risk is be minimised with careful injection, good injection technique and knowledge of anatomy.

We don’t recommend the use of any “permanent” fillers in any case, due to the high risk of long-term complications.

Dermal Fillers Costs and packages

  • Lip filler (Restylane Kysse)    $570 per ml
  • Restylane Volyme                  $ 700 per ml
  • Restylane classic / Lyft (1ml) $ 700 per ml
  • Tear Trough Treatment          $ 750 per ml

For Consultation

Restylane is an unfunded Treatment that you pay for. Ask your Doctor if Restylane is right for you. Normal Doctors charges apply. Restylane is an injectable intradermal implant containing Hyaluronic acid, stabilized 20 mg/ml

RESTYLANE used for facial tissue augmentation and lip enhancement.

Restylane should only be injected by your doctor. Tell your doctor if you have a bleeding disorder or if you are being treated with blood thinning medicines, or any other medicines you are taking. Precautions : Allergy to Hyaluronic acid or any active ingredients. RESTYLANE should not be used where there is active skin disease, inflammation or related conditions. Do not use if pregnant or breastfeeding, or in children. Avoid intense heat or cold after treatment until swelling and redness have resolved. Side effects: common injection-related reactions might occur, including redness, swelling, pain, itching, bruising, tenderness or lumpiness at the implant site. Typically these resolve in a few days to a week.  Tell your doctor if you experience any side effects.

For further information ask your doctor .Restylane is marketed by Q-Med and distributed in NZ by Pharmacy Retailing (NZ) t/a Healthcare Logistics, Auckland

The JUVÉDERM® range of injectable gels are medical devices for use in adults. JUVÉDERM® ULTRA XC and JUVÉDERM® ULTRA PLUS XC contain 24mg/mL cross-linked hyaluronic acid with lidocaine 3mg/mL. JUVÉDERM® ULTRA XC is for filling medium-sized depressions of the skin as well as for lip definition. JUVÉDERM® ULTRA PLUS XC is for filling mid and/or deep depressions of the skin as well as for lip definition and enhancement. JUVÉDERM® VOLUMA® with lidocaine contains 20mg/mL cross-linked hyaluronic acid with lidocaine 3mg/mL and is intended to restore volume of the face. JUVÉDERM® VOLIFT® with lidocaine contains 17.5mg/mL cross-linked hyaluronic acid with lidocaine 3mg/mL and is intended for the treatment of deep skin depressions, for face contouring or volume restoration of the face. JUVÉDERM® VOLBELLA® with lidocaine contains 15mg/mL cross-linked hyaluronic acid with lidocaine 3mg/mL and is intended for the treatment of any fine lines and medium-sized skin depressions or the enhancement and pouting of lips. JUVEDERM® VOLITE™ contains 12 mg/mL cross-linked hyaluronic acid with lidocaine 3mg/mL and is intended to be used for the treatment, by filling, of superficial cutaneous depressions such as fine lines and for additional improvement of skin quality attributes such as hydration and elasticity, via intradermal injection. All JUVÉDERM® products should be administered only by a trained healthcare professional. JUVÉDERM® ULTRA XC, JUVÉDERM® ULTRA PLUS XC and JUVEDERM® VOLITE™ should not be injected into the eyelids. JUVÉDERM® VOLUMA® with lidocaine should not be injected in the periorbital area (eyelids, under-eye area, crow’s feet), glabellar region or in the lips. JUVÉDERM® VOLBELLA® with lidocaine should not be injected into the eyelids. Application in the bags under the eyes is reserved for trained specialists. JUVÉDERM® VOLIFT® with lidocaine should not be injected in the periorbital area (eyelids, under-eye area, crow’s feet) and glabellar region. You should not receive treatment with any JUVÉDERM® product if you are below 18 years of age, have untreated epilepsy, history of hypertrophic scars or porphyria, or if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, hypersensitivity to ingredients including hyaluronic acid, lidocaine or amide-type local anaesthetics, any areas of cutaneous inflammation and/or infections, or if you have just had laser treatment, deep chemical peel or dermabrasion. Precautions: Caution is required if you have received treatment with another dermal filler; if you have a history of or are currently suffering an auto-immune disease, severe multiple allergies, anaphylactic shock, streptococcal disease, symptoms of cardiac conduction disorders; or if you are taking certain medications including anti-coagulants or certain drugs that reduce/inhibit hepatic metabolism. Avoid makeup for 12 hours after injection and prolonged exposure to sunlight/UV light/extreme temperatures for 2 weeks. Adverse effects reported after treatment with JUVÉDERM® range of fillers have included immediate or delayed injection site inflammatory reactions (redness/swelling/ itching/pain on pressure) persisting a week post treatment, haematomas, induration or nodules, discolouration, weak filling effect, risk of infection, abscess formation, granuloma, necrosis or hypersensitivity. Please ask your doctor or request for the Directions For Use for complete list of precautions and adverse effects per respective filler. JUVÉDERM® injectable gels are not funded on the New Zealand Pharmaceutical Scheme. You will need to pay for this treatment. Normal Doctors visit fees apply. Speak to your specialist about your own situation and about the benefits/ risks of this procedure in appearance medicine. If you have any side effects or concerns speak to your doctor. Note: JUVÉDERM® treatment may last up to 1–2 years and further courses of treatment may be necessary. (September 2018).

™®Trademark(s) and registered trademark(s) of Allergan, Inc. Allergan Australia Pty Ltd. 810 Pacific Highway, Gordon NSW 2072. ABN 85 000 612 831. Allergan New Zealand Limited, Auckland. © 2018 Allergan. All rights reserved. Date of preparation: October 2018 ANZ/0104/2017.</p?