Skin complexion is the most noticeable thing on persons face. Everyone loves to have beautiful, clear, luminous skin and with new modalities available to treat a range of concerns it is now attainable. The Skin Logics Clinic in Hamilton likes to be able to offer their clients the most efficacious of these treatments.


Micro-needling therapy has been around for many years, and various devices have been utilised to inflict micro-injuries on the skin to stimulate collagen production. Initially, skin rolling and skin stamping were the treatments available in NZ, but now the latest and most effective device called Dermafrac has become available in New Zealand.

It is an automatic micro-needling device that has been proven to be as effective as ablative laser treatments such as Fraxel, IPL, laser resurfacing and chemical peels and all with little to no downtime!

It helps the skin texture by improving fine lines, wrinkles and minimising pore size. It can also help by reducing scarring from old acne or a newer wound. It can also be used to treat alopecia, improve stretchmarks, and lift abnormal pigmentation.Micro-needling infusion therapy is an advanced aesthetic treatment used to target many skin concerns including fine lines and wrinkles, sun damage, brown spots and pigmentation, open pores, congested skin, mild acne scarring, and dry and dehydrated skin.

The science behind the procedure is as follows:


Treatment costs                                       

Treatment                                                                  Price per visit                            Promotion

Dermafrac – Microdermabrasion (30mins)                   $150                            6 treatments for $599

Dermafrac – including all Four modalities                    $300                           6 Treatments for $1299

How does the Dermafrac work?

DermaFrac uses a roller which has 180 superfine needles to stimulate cell renewal and collagen production, helping to firm, plump and smooth the skin. As the roller creates the microchannels in your skin, the DermaFrac system enables the infusion of a potent serum, simultaneously, to augment the impact of the needling treatment.

This gives your skin a glowing complexion and almost instant results. You can apply your mineral makeup immediately, and then relax and sit back to feel and see your skin improve daily.

Ideally, we recommend 6 treatments 2–4 weeks apart. You can add in a clinical facial between for magic results. There are special price packages for 3 and 6 – but you will see results in just 1 session, so that’s FINE too.

Post Procedure instructions

In order to achieve the best results from your DermafracTM treatment we ask that you read and understand the following instructions. Your Skin Specialist/Physician will review the relevant post-treatment protocol with you.

Your recovery time will be influenced by the type of infusion treatment you have received and your individual skin’s response. Your Skin Specialist will have discussed with you the individual time frame you should expect.

  • For 24 hours post-treatment
    • DO NOT exercise (avoid getting overheated)
    • DO NOT bath or shower
  • For 1-week post-treatment
    • NO exfoliating products (scrubs, AHA’s, BHA’s)
    • NO products not recommended by my Skin Specialist
    • NO anti-wrinkle injections
    • NO prescription topical Retin A
    • NO sun exposure to the area treated
  • For 2-weeks post-treatment
    • NO waxing, bleaching or hair dying
    • NO depilatory use in any treated area
    • NO electrolysis on any treatment area
    • NO IPL/Laser Hair removal treatments
    • NO facial treatments of any kind including any AHA, BHA, Vitamin A or TCA treatments
    • NO Microdermabrasion
    • NO Dermal Fillers
  • For 4-weeks post-treatment
    • NO IPL/Laser Skin Rejuvenation
    • NO TCA Superficial to Deep PeelsNO Fractional Ablative Laser Resurfacing / Full Ablative Laser Resurfacing
    • NO Facelift Surgery


  • DO NOT pick at skin
  • Increase water intake to include at least 8 glasses of water per day
  • Wear Physical Sun Protection and reapply every 2 hours
  • DO NOT use washcloths, or any other type of cloth on skin, instead, apply cleanser to clean hands and foam for application

Four stages of Dermafrac– You can tailor the treatments you want

Crystal-free microdermabrasion – no scratches
Micro-needling – It only goes as deep as it is necessary
Product infusion – serum infused depends on your concern and is chosen on the day
LED light therapy augments collagen stimulation, reduces irritation, suppresses inflammation, reduces redness, and also reduces bacteria living under the skin.

It is also possible to get just microdermabrasion or the light therapy by itself.

For Consultation